Forrester Environmental Services, Inc. (FESI) provides state-of-the-art, patented FESI-BOND® heavy metals stabilization technologies and remedial services in the United States and abroad.

FESI holds the exclusive rights to the formation of complexed heavy metal minerals, including the safest minerals known to man such as chloropyromorphite, a Pb mineral 10E50 times less soluble than simple compounds offered by others.

FESI-BOND® patented stabilization chemical recipes and process designs are superior to conventional chemicals and methods.

Since 1992 FESI has provided industry, government, and remedial contractors with easy, safe, and low-cost solutions to their heavy metals contamination projects. Our experience ranges from design and installation of heavy metals stabilization systems at fixed facilities to full-scale remedial projects.

FESI-BOND® technology has been installed at over 50 industrial facilities, applied at 100+ remedial projects, and utilized in 1000+ treatabilities. FESI-BOND® technology has never failed to produce successful results. From leaded paint and Pb-contaminated soils, to As and Cr(6) sludges, FESI offers the best available stabilization technology in the world.

Our patented FESI-BOND® technologies have been permitted under USEPA, state RCRA and CERCLA criteria, and have been selected by numerous contractors and agencies as the most cost-effective demonstrated and patented heavy metals stabilization technology available.

Some examples of recent project costs:

Fixed Facility -
System Capital:  $0.00 - $7,500.00
Operating Cost:  $2.00 - $7.50 per waste ton

Remedial -
$5.00 - $25.00 per waste ton

As the largest single inventor and exclusive holder of U.S. patents and numerous international patents for heavy metals stabilization, FESI can offer the technology directly to the client, or license technology to remedial contractors. FESI-BOND® licensees have utilized FESI-BOND® throughout the world. FESI-BOND® clients include the US Navy, Army, EPA, major environmental, construction, excavation, and demolition contractors, and numerous industrial clients.

All FESI projects are managed by a registered Professional Environmental Engineer and international inventor with 35+ years industrial experience in hazardous waste management and site remediation and 31+ years inventing, commercializing, and engineering heavy metal stabilization technologies.

Contact us to discuss how FESI can assist you in choosing the best solutions for your hazardous waste and heavy metal bearing material/waste management problems.


  FESI-BOND® Technology   Technologies and Services   Industries & Trades We Serve
Showcase Remedial Projects   FESI-BOND® REMEDIATION
FESI-BOND® RANGE SOILS   Before You Choose   U.S. Patents
Contact FESI

Voice: 603.380-2522

Forrester Environmental Services, Inc.
78 Tracy Way
Meredith, NH 03253

©2004 Forrester Environmental Services., All rights reserved under both
U.S. and international law.